Friday, November 24, 2006

The Computer Widows' Club

I am a computer widow.

I'd like to share my thoughts on this blog and I welcome you to do the same!

Hubby dear (bless his soul!) is very much into computers. Right since the time of our marriage some 14 years ago. I presumed, in my youth and innocence, that the craze will pass. But with the passage of time his entanglement with computers has only increased. Initially it was dos, then windows. Once he had those figured out, it was spreadsheets and word-processors. Then there was the internet boom. Later, online trading. And now it's blogging, putting up websites and trying to earn a living from computers (that's what he says!). All he has to show for his hours of work are a few measly dollars in some offshore accounts with paypal and e-gold.

More on this later, the kids are calling!

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